Four Tips To Know How To Take Professional Photos With Your Cell Phone

Many times, we believe that to have great photos, we need super professional cameras, experienced photographers and very well-equipped locations. To a certain extent, these factors help. But still, they do not guarantee one hundred percent that this will be the case.

Today we want to share some simple tricks so you can get the most beautiful photos, thanks to a Smartphone. Since in this era, technology is in our hands, and we need to exploit it.

  1. Get The Correct And Necessary Exposure

All you need to expose a photo (correctly) is to click the shutter button. But from time to time, you will find that what you are photographing may be too dark or too bright, so you have to adjust it by touching the area of the screen where the subject is located, and the camera will automatically adjust the exposure to balance it. Visit

  1. Note The Little Things, But Not Too Close

Most smartphones can be focused close to the subject, but all lenses have a minimum focus distance. If you are very close and your subject is still blurred, back up until it becomes sharp. It won’t take long, maybe a couple of inches or so. That way, you will have a sharper image.

  1. Get On The Same Level As What You Are Going To Capture

Most of us are used to taking out the phone, taking a photo, and walking. But when you have to photograph children or pets, that does not happen, since you have to take the time to capture the perfect image and often repeat it more than once.

For these photographs, it is recommended that the person who captures the photo is always at the level of the subjects or objectives to be taken since they will give a more flattering angle.

  1. Seek The Void

With wide-angle lenses, it is easy to capture everything in the scene, which is precisely why you need to look for areas with a large negative space, that is, simple backgrounds that fill the frame. For example, by making a large expanse of blue sky the priority, you are making the subject more apparent when you frame it at the bottom of the image.